Food Lion Job Applications
Food Lion offers a variety of grocery store employment opportunities in over 1200 store locations. Located in 11 South East & Mid Atlantic States, with many stores, it means more work opportunites. As an “Essential Services” retailer with interests to develop and expand your knowledge, that’s all the more reason to make a Food Lion Application.
Food Lion is a brand owned by Ahold Delhaize. A few other companies they operate are Hannaford, Peapod Digital Labs and ADUSA Transportation.
Archive 2019:
Food Lion News
Active Jobs Alert: Just checked parent corporation Ahold Delhaize website at Ahold Delhaize Search Jobs WOW!
Food Lion Jobs they are advertising Full-Time Jobs 1775 plus Part-Time jobs of 3623 openings.
Food Lion Job Benefits
Food Lion employment has some top benefits for their associates.
They offer the following benefits to their employees:
Medical Coverage – Food Lion pay a large portion of medical coverage.
Vision Coverage – For eye exams, glasses, contacts, etc..
Dental Coverage – Orthodontic treatment included.
Pharmacy Coverage – Discounts at many pharmacies across the country.
Food Lion Paid Vacations and Holidays – six paid holidays and vacations paid as reward incentives.
Retirement Plan – 401Ks, Life Insurance – Company paid. Premiums are paid 100 percent.
Bonuses – Based upon performance and annual earnings bonuses based upon company performance.
Food Lion employment has a lot more such as benefits for disability, accident coverage, and many other types of retirement and financial savings plans.
Food Lion Online Job Application
Food Lion online Employment & Job Applications: All you have to do is apply for a Food Lion job application form.
Food Lion: Jobs
P.S. Food Lion prides itself as an equal opportunity employer seeking self-motivated, energetic associates. Food Lion is one of the largest private employers, 60,000 + associates, based in Virginia & North Carolina. Employment opportunities allow for flexible hours with jobs suitable for students and seniors alike.
Winn-Dixie Job Twist: Food Lion is one of many brands owned by Ahold Delhaize. One can expand your application field by applying for larger set of active jobs at Careers. US Career brands include Ahold, bfresh, Giant, Hannaford, Martins, Peapod, and Shop&Shop.
Job applications are available at the store level and head office corporate careers in Salisbury, N.C., one should check with the Corporate Recruiter, Food Lion, Inc., P.O. Box. 1330, Salisbury, NC, 28145-1330. Food Lions has online jobs, warehouse opportunities, work employment & career positions and can be found in their web sites employment section or at Food Lion applications.
Food Lion News, Facts, Reference
Food Lion website is at: or follow a direct link here at Food Lion
Food Lion News
Food Lion is recently celebrated their 60th anniversary, but how would you know! Food Lion has over 1000 stores and lots is happening. New job opportunities are up when 2 new stores opened the August 2017 – New Washington, N.C and New Ashland, Va. One way is to check is at Food Lion News and Press Releases to find the latest and new Food Lion job opportunities.
Food Lion is a firm of Delhaize America, US division of Brussels Delhaize Group (DEG), stock valuation can be found at New York Stock Exchange NYSE:DEG. The Brussels Delhaize Group (DEG) stock has been on the moved from a low point in Nov 2012 at around 33.85 to a high topping 70.00 US in August 2013
Food Lion
Jan 2014:
Food Lion Jan 2014: Announced completed improvements of 72 stores in key areas of Nashville, Augusta and Savannah.
Food Lion May 2013: Reuters reported that Delhaize Group agree to sell 155 Stores: Sweetbay, 72 stores, Harveys, 72 stores, and Reid’s, 11 stores to Bi-Lo Holdings for 265 million
Food Lion May 2013: Food Lion has been renovating: Completed investments and improvements in 178 stores, Food Lion hired 800 associates. Recent store activity: May 2011, Launched 167 stores in Raleigh/Fayetteville, N.C., March 2012 – 268 Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina stores, and July 2012, 269 stores in Salisbury, N.C, and Charlotte, N.C.
Food Lion was founded in 1957 as Food Town in Salisbury, N.C., and has expanded to more than 1,100 + stores in 10 states.
Food Lion Job Applications: Job, Career, Employment, Work Forms
Food Lion Job Application Form
Online Job, Work, Employment Applications Forms
JC Penney Careers 2019 News
Just checked the JC Penny’s website at and JC Penney are advertising Full-Time Jobs 2505 plus 4243 Part-Time jobs

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